Kellogg College, Oxford
Kellogg College is one of the largest and most international graduate constituent colleges of the University of Oxford in England. Kellogg College is a graduate college and admissions are not open to undergraduates. The college focuses on the concept of higher, postgraduate and lifelong learning and also caters to part-time mature students. The student body now numbers 150 full-time students and 400 part-time students (Hilary term 2010).
Kellogg College, Oxford's 36th college, was founded with financial assistance from the Kellogg Foundation,[3] and became a full college of the university in 1994, Will Keith Kellogg being recognised as its effective founder.
The college was named in honour of W. K. Kellogg on 1 October 1994, in recognition of the generous support given by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation to the university over the preceding decades. The college has close connections with the University Department for Continuing Education, the Department of Education and other departments active in areas of professional and part–time study. The college can trace its origins back to the start of university extension movement in the 1870s and came into being on 1 March 1990 (as Rewley House).
In 1878, Arthur Johnson was the first to deliver an "Oxford Extension Lecture".[4] This turned into a movement which still flourishes. The movement has culminated into the contemporary establishment and structure of Kellogg College.
The movement grew out of a drive to liberalise Oxford which gained momentum in the 1850s. As a consequence, the university slowly began to open itself to religious nonconformists and poorer men. Later this was extended to include women. It is this movement that forms the historical background of Kellogg College. The extension lectures proved very popular.
The movement is sometimes credited for taking "Oxford" to "the masses". Lectures were given in town halls, public libraries and village school rooms across the country. The aim of the extension movement was twofold: social and political. It aimed at educating the larger community to achieve a better informed democracy. It was all about citizenship.
Kellogg College was the first home for part-time students at the University of Oxford and many of the students who join the college continue to work in their professions while they study. The college continues to champion ideals of access, openness and inclusivity.
Kellogg College celebrated its "coming of age" in 2011.[5]
In May 2004, the college acquired a site for a new permanent home, located between Banbury Road and Bradmore Road, in the Norham Manor area of North Oxford, a 10 minute walk from Wellington Square, where the college was originally co-located with the Department for Continuing Education at Oxford University. The plan is to develop the site over a number of years. The existing Victorian buildings have been renovated to provide residential accommodation, offices, and research space. The College offices moved to the Banbury Road site in April 2006.
Sporting Achievement
The Oxford rugby squad that beat Cambridge 28-10 in the 2011 varsity match consisted of no fewer than seven Kellogg students[6]. This was by far the greatest contribution to the squad from any Oxford college, with the next best-represented colleges (University, Keble and St Edmund Hall) having two players each.[7].
Academics and teachers
- Jonathan Michie (President) Director of the Department for Continuing Education, and Professor of Innovation & Knowledge Exchange
- Christopher W. R. Davies, Oxford University Lecturer in Educational Studies, Department of Education, (Vice President)
- Paul Barnwell, FSA, FRHistS, FRSA University Lecturer in the Historic Environment, Department for Continuing Education; Fellow Librarian
- Elsa Bell, Director of Student Welfare and Support Services
- Charles Boyle, Director, British and Cultural Studies, Department for Continuing Education
- Thomas C Buchanan MA DPhil Oxford, FRHistS Reader in Modern History, Department for Continuing Education
- Amanda Burls BA Oxf, MSc MBBS MRCP MFPHM Lond, FMGEMS USA, FFPH Director, Postgraduate Programmes in Evidence-Based Health Care, Department for Continuing Education & Primary Health Care
- Thomas P Burns CBE, MD Cambridge, MA Oxford, DSc London, FRC Psych Professor of Social Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry
- Alessandra Cavarra, MSc, PhD Catania University Lecturer in Software Engineering, Department for Continuing Education & Computing Laboratory
- May Cheng, BSc, Cert in Ed, MEd University of Hong Kong, PhD University of Waikato, New Zealand, MSB, CBiol Reader in Professional Education, Oxford University Department of Education
- Runjan Chetty
- Gari Clifford, BSc Exon, MSc Soton, MA, DPhil Oxon University Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering, Department of Engineering Science; Associate Director, Centre for Doctoral Training in Healthcare Innovation
- Robin Cohen Professor of Development Studies and Director of the International Migration Institute, University of Oxford.
- Jeremy Cresswell, MA Oxford, CVO Director, Foreign Service Programme, Department for Continuing Education
- Carolyne Culver, BA Sussex, Head of Strategic Communications, University of Oxford
- James W Davies, MA MSc DPhil Oxford Professor of Software Engineering; Programme Director, Department for Continuing Education & Computing Laboratory; Senior Fellow
- Charlotte Deane, Lecturer in Bioinformatics, Department for Continuing Education & Statistics
- Jitka Fort, Director of Development and Alumni Relations
- Elizabeth A Gemmill, Lecturer in Local History, Department for Continuing Education; Dean of Degrees
- Nazila Ghanea, Lecturer in International Human Rights Law, Department for Continuing Education; Equality/Harassment Officer
- Jeremy Gibbons, BSc Edinburgh, MA DPhil Oxford, CEng, CITP, MBCS, FIAP Reader in Software Engineering and Continuing Education, Department for Continuing Education & Computing Laboratory
- Paul P Glasziou, MB BS PhD University of Queensland, MA Oxford Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine, Division of Public Health & Primary Health Care
- David W Griffiths, BA, PhD Durham, MA status Oxford Reader in Archaeology, Department for Continuing Education
- David S Grylls, BA PhD London, MA Oxford University Lecturer in Literature, Department for Continuing Education
- Angus B Hawkins, BA Reading, MA Oxford, PhD London, FRHistS Deputy Director (Director, International Programmes), Department for Continuing Education
- Carl Heneghan,MA DPhil Oxford, BM BCH Oxford, MRCGP Clinical Reader in Evidence Based Medicine, Division of Public Health & Primary Health Care
- Melissa Highton, BA Manchester, MSc Edinburgh, FHEA Head of the Learning Technologies Group, University of Oxford; Dean of Degrees
- Judith Hillier, MSci St Andrews, PhD Leeds, PGCE Oxford University Lecturer in Science Education (Physics), Department of Education
- Ralf Thomas Walter Hinze, MA Oxford Diplom-Informatiker Bochum, Habil fur das Fach Informatik Bonn University Lecturer in Software Engineering, Department for Continuing Education & Computing Laboratory
- David Howard, MA MPhil DPhil Oxford University Lecturer in Sustainable Urban Development
- Alan E Hudson, MSc MPhil London, MA Oxford, FRSA Director of China Programmes, Department for Continuing Education
- Christine A Jackson, BA London, MA Status Oxford, PhD Reading, Chartered MIPD, MILT University Lecturer in History, Department for Continuing Education
- Javier Lezaun, BA Duesto, MA Oxford, MA PhD Cornell James Martin Lectureship in Science and Technology Governance
- Robert Lockhart, BSc Kent, MSc London, PhD Nottingham, MBCS Staff Tutor in Computing, Department for Continuing Education
- Andrew P Martin, MA DPhil Oxford, MBCS, CITP, CEng University Lecturer in Software Engineering and Deputy Director, Software Engineering Programme, Department for Continuing Education & Computing Laboratory IT Fellow
- Stephen McKeever, BSc MSc London, DPhil Oxford University Lecturer in Software Engineering and Continuing Education, Department for Continuing Education/Computing Laboratory
- David Mills, MA Florida, MA Oxford, PhD London University Lecturer in Pedagogy in Higher Education (Social Sciences), Department of Education;
- Clare M G Morgan, BA (Hons) Open University, MA East Anglia, MPhil, DPhil Oxford, FRSA Director, Master of Studies in Creative Writing, Oxford University Dept for Continuing Education
- Victoria A Murphy, BA Queen's, Ontario; MA PhD McGill, MA Oxford University Lecturer in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition, Department of Education
- Catherine M Oakes, MA Oxford, PhD Bristol University Lecturer in History of Art, Department for Continuing Education; Deputy Chamberlain
- Claire I R O’Mahony, BA California, MA PhD London University Lecturer in Art History, Department for Continuing Education
- Emma Potts, BMus Manchester, Head of Student Administration, University of Oxford
- Christopher William Pugh, BM BCh MA DPhil Oxford, FRCP, FMedSci University Lecturer in Clinical Medicine (Nephrology), Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine; Secretary to Governing Body
- Adrienne B Rosen, MA DPhil Oxf Course Director/Departmental Lecturer in Local and Social History, Department for Continuing Education; Dean of Degrees
- Alistair Ross, BA Liv, BA CNAA/Spurgeon’s College, MA Oxf, MPhil Wales, MBACP Director of Psychodynamic Studies, and University Lecturer in Psychotherapy, Department for Continuing Education
- Andrew C Simpson, BSc Wales, MSc, DPhil Oxford, CEng, MBCS University Lecturer in Software Engineering, Department for Continuing Education/Computing Laboratory
- John A Simpson, BA York, MA status Oxford, MA Reading, Hon.Litt.D. ANU Chief Editor, Oxford English Dictionary
- Mark A Smith, MA DPhil Oxford University Lecturer in Local History, Department for Continuing Education
- Adrian Stokes, Director of Continuing Professional Development, Department for Continuing Education
- Roger Trigg
- Agathoniki Trigoni, BSc Athens, MA Oxford, PhD Cambridge University Lecturer in Software Engineering, Department for Continuing Education & Computing Laboratory
- Geoffrey Tyack, MA MLitt Oxford, PhD London, FSA Director, Stanford University Programme in Oxford
- Robert N Vanderplank, B
A Kent, MA status Oxford, PhD Edinburgh Director, Oxford University Language Centre
Distinguished members
- Anna Beer
- Colin Bundy (Warden, Green College; formerly Director and Principal, School of Oriental and African Studies and Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of London; and previously Vice Chancellor and Principal, University of the Witwatersrand)
- Radhika Coomaraswamy , BA Yale, LLM Harvard, JD Columbia, Human Rights Commissioner for Sri Lanka
- Umberto Eco, Honorary Fellow and author of the Name of the Rose and Foucault's Pendulum.
- Andrew David Hamilton, BSc Exe, MSc British Columbia, MA Oxf, PhD Camb, FRS Vice–Chancellor of the University of Oxford
- Lady (Angela M) Chadwyck-Healey, BA Anglia PU
- Christof Heyns , LLM Yale, MA Philosophy, LLB Pretoria, PhD Witwatersrand Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria
- Sir C A (Tony) R Hoare, MA Oxford, FRS, MemAcEur, Dist FBCS James Martin Professor of Computing (formerly Professor of Computation), Oxford University since 1977; Emeritus Fellow, Wolfson College; Hon DSc Southern California, Warwick, Pennsylvania, Belfast, York, Essex, Bath, etc; 2000 Kyoto Prize Laureate in Advanced Technology
- P. D. James, Baroness James of Holland Park, OBE, Hon DLitt Buckingham, Hertfordshire, Glasgow, Durham, Portsmouth; Hon DLitt London; Hon DU Essex, FRSA, FRSL Novelist and Crime Writer
- W James Kennedy, BSc PhD London, MA DSc Oxford, FGS, FLS Professorial Fellow, Director, Oxford University Museum of Natural History
- Sir Ralph Kohn, BSc, MSc, PhD Manchester Bynum Tudor Visiting Fellow; Pharmacologist, Entrepreneur, Musician
- Russell G Mawby, BS PhD Michigan, MS Purdue Chairman Emeritus, W K Kellogg Foundation; Hon DSc California State University, NUI; Hon DL North Carolina, Tuskagee Institute, Michigan; Hon DCL Newcastle; Hon Doctor of Agriculture, Purdue.
- Juan E Méndez , LLB Stella Maris Catholic University, Argentina Professor of International Law, Notre Dame University; First Vice-President, Inter-American Human Rights Commission
- Lord Puttnam of Quennsgate, C.B.E. Bynum Tudor Visiting Fellow
- Prajwal Parajuly, Author
- William A Schabas, BA MA Toronto, LLB LLM LLD Montreal, LLD honoris causa Dalhousie Professor of Human Rights Law, Faculty of Law, and Director, Irish Centre for Human Rights, National University of Ireland, Galway
- Richard G Smethurst, MA Oxford Director, Department for External Studies 1976-1986; Chairman of the General Board of Faculties 1989-1991; Provost of Worcester College
- Canon Vincent N H Strudwick, BA Nottingham, MA status Oxford, Dip Ad Ed LondonTheological Educator
- Lady (Michelle) Sykes, Dip Hist Art London
- I Joan Thirsk, CBE, BA PhD London, MA Oxford, Hon DLitt, FBA Reader Emeritus in Economic History; Honorary Fellow, St. Hilda's College
- Geoffrey P Thomas, BSc Wales, MA Oxford, PhD Cambridge President Emeritus of Kellogg College; Fellow of Linacre College, 1978-1990; Honorary Fellow of Linacre College
- David G Vaisey, CBE, MA Oxford, FSA, FRHistS Bodley's Librarian Emeritus; Professorial Fellow, Exeter College; Keeper of the University Archives; Bodley's Librarian 1986-1996
- Geraldine Van Bueren, LLB LLM Middle Temple, Professor of International Human Rights Law, Queen Mary College, University of London
Fellows emeritus
- Malcolm Airs FSA, IHBC, FRHistSoc
- John G. Axford MBCS, CEng, CPhys, CITP, FRSA
- Edward E. Coker
- Peter G. Combey DPSA
- Alex Coren
- Christopher J Day, BA Manchester, MA Oxford, FSA
- Robert W. Elmore FRSH
- Joanne Elvins
- Raymond G. Flood
- Catherine M. Gray FHEA
- Hazel R. Hagger
- Philip W. J. Healy
- Gary R. Lock MIFA, FSA; Dean of Degrees
- David Mant, MB ChB Birmingham, BA Cambridge, MSc London, MA Oxford, FRCGP, FRCP, FMedSci
- R. Trevor Rowley FSA, MIFA
- Gerald Bowen Thomas
- Keith S. Thomson
- Kate Tiller, DL, BA PhD Birmingham, MA Oxford, FSA, FRHistS ounding Fellow 1990;
- Tristram D. Wyatt
- Michael D. Yudkin
External links